Some may see Mojang making an official statement saying they’ve stopped the development of Minecraft or have started a sequel to the game (spin-offs like Minecraft: Story Mode do not count) as the ending to the core game. In this case, Minecraft, from the perspective as a standalone-title (and not a franchise) would end. From that point, whether or not Mojang decided to make a Minecraft 2 or something of the sorts, the core game would be definitively over, finished, and called a final product. Whether or not players still enjoyed the game and kept it alive through mods, Mojang’s official ending would be the deciding factor in the longevity of the massive indie game we grew to love. Usually, “post-game” is considered to be the aftermath of your accomplishments in a game after completing the necessary requirements. While that makes sense for most games, Minecraft is not like most mainstream video games. With no storyline, no characters, and no set objective, what many consider to be “credits” may just be the closest thing we get to a cutscene in Minecraft. Depending on how your game is played, you may beat the Ender Dragon first, and then experience the rest of your Minecraft play-through afterward. Whether or not you accept the blue and green dialogue as an “ending” may or may not dictate your opinion on the outcome of the Mojang title. If Minecraft, in your eyes, is deemed as a traditional game with a traditional path and setting, you may feel as if the game is finished from the moment you complete your predetermined objective, aka, slaying the Ender Dragon and seeing the “credits” roll. From that point, all future updates could be considered, in the eyes of the specific person that sees Minecraft as a traditional title, something along the lines of DLC and optional gameplay. Like any project, however, there comes a time where the developing team and staff run into various problems and face many challenges. These problems may or may not stem from art block. If Mojang sees Minecraft as a finished product or sees zero possible ways that future updates could be implemented and improve the game’s integrity without diminishing quality of gameplay and experience, the game’s development could be viewed as finished with an immediate halt. Whether or not that factor comes into fruition though is entirely up to those of whom are working on the project and then begs the question, “what happens after?” Minecraft’s success is a shared success amongst each and everyone one of its players, communities, and creators. Minecraft’s downfall could be the shared decline amongst those same individuals, however. Whether or not Minecraft remains the video game juggernaut that it is and has been since its initial release is entirely up to the community that plays and shares their experiences with other various players, creators, and individuals. If Minecraft ever closes its metaphorical doors (as a title), it will remain on a very high pedestal in video game history for the many achievements it has possessed in its unexpectedly long lifespan.