If you love taking photos with your mobile device like me, then you probably have hundreds to thousands of photos in your camera roll. Many of which you have to scroll through to find the gems that you like. The Roll app helps you filter through all your photos to get to those gems.  Currently The Roll is only for iOS but it is slated for release on Android soon,  Let’s discuss this app and of course from where it originates. EyeEm is no stranger to mobile photography and has always focused on individuals and communities to push the envelope of this awesome genre. Mobile photographers: This is a must have app in your camera roll! The EyeEm community includes upwards 17 million photographers and 70 million images. The platform is definitely different than Instagram but similar as far as the social aspects. In Instagram, you will be hard pressed to find amazing images because you would have to sift through celebrities and memes. EyeEm’s focus from the beginning has been to showcase the quality of work and the photographers. EyeEm has partnered with many photography communities since its inception.These partnerships are fueled by Missions for photographers to complete. EyeEm also continues to show exhibitions of work throughout the world based on the missions and contests they have.  To step it up even further, EyeEm also has the Market.  The Market is where the individual can designate photos on their EyeEm grid to go for sale. Brands, individuals, and any others who may like the work are able to license the images through EyeEm. Lastly EyeEm launched EyeEm Vision in 2015. Vision is technology that helps rank, categorize and surface content through algorithms. Per their press release: The Roll tags your images, groups them by topics, location, and events, with the best shot based on those categories. If you have photos that you have taken in sequence for example, The Roll stacks them, then scores them based on aesthetics. You will be able to see the score (1-100), keywords, and meta data.  Although you can always disagree with the technology, I believe that this will help you take better pictures. Photos that are under or over exposed, noise, etc are all filtered and scored accordingly. Your best image from any sequence is brought to the top. This can help you decide on what you would like to share and post and also delete and save space as well.  When I went through my photos through the app, I did have those “Yeah, you are right, app.” I like that photo and worked hard on the composition, exposure, even the subject. I think I do deserve that score. It could have been better or as shown in the last two images, I almost hit 100%. Now I know, sunsets will get high scores for aesthetics. I mean really, who does not love a sunset photo?!?  The same goes for the photos that I did not score well on. An overexposed photo, a low light image with too much noise, or another image here where I just could not hold the camera steady enough - the Roll App came through and gave me really low scores. I think you take it for what it is worth. You want to take better photos. Use the ranking and scoring system to do that in some way or fashion. The bottom line is go out and shoot and get better at it! The ranking and scoring system is good. I would think that the next iterations and updates are only going to make the app better. The Roll App is simple to look at, but behind the scenes, the Vision does all the work for you. That is a great thing. Go download both EyeEm (iOS / Android) and the Roll App now!