Below are some excellent websites with good selections of high-quality, completely free e-cards for birthdays and lots of other occasions. Many of the free e-cards here can become photo cards and all can be customized with personal messages, stickers, and the layout of your choice. Start from scratch by uploading your own design. When you’re finished designing your custom e-card, print it, send it over email or via its link, or download it as a PDF. These free e-cards are deliverable via Facebook or email. Schedule the e-card to be sent at a later date if you don’t want it to arrive immediately. Long-term scheduling is supported, even years in advance. Open Me also has free group e-cards that allow you to pass around a card virtually with family, friends, or coworkers so everyone can add a message before it goes to the recipient. You’ll get an email when your card has been delivered and when the recipient opens it. Select a video e-card to get a full-screen view of the card and play the animation, and then select SEND THIS CARD to customize the greeting and message.​ You can send these animated e-cards to one person or a group of people at once, or schedule a future delivery date (even a few years in the future!). Track the e-card to see when each recipient receives it. There’s a huge group of premade e-cards to browse. Unfortunately, you can’t edit any of them or make your own. With categories such as Just Because and Topical, you’re sure to find some unique cards to send here. Other categories include Romance, Celebration, Holiday, and Concern. There are also lots of subcategories to further find the right card. Send an e-card to one or more people at a time, either right away or at a later day. To share with a group, there are social media buttons you can use. Include a message if you want. You can be notified when the recipient opens it. You’ll find free birthday cards, friendship cards, love cards, thank you cards, invitation/announcement cards, and occasion cards here. These are unique, that both adults and kids will love. Send them whenever you want, up to 10 years in the future, and to multiple recipients simultaneously. Among other categories are traditional ones like Congrats, Family, Wedding, and Flowers. If you’re not sure where to start, check out the site’s most popular e-cards. Each category has subcategories that let you browse the most popular items in each section as well as new designs, animated e-cards, video e-cards, and postcards. For example, within Family are cards for loved ones, your mom, your sister, etc. You can add additional text that will show up below the card when the recipient opens it. The text editor includes options to change the font type, size, color, and more. Send right away or up to two months in advance; they can be delivered to multiple recipients at once. Add your name and email and the information for one or more recipients, and then include a message that will appear below the e-card when it’s opened. Adjust the email’s subject text, as well. These free e-cards from CrossCards can be sent at once or sometime in the future; just pick the day it should arrive and forget about it. You’ll get an email when the site sends the card, and another when it’s opened.