Overall Findings

Compared to the differences between OLED and LCD, and plasma and LCD, plasma and OLED are more similar. In other words, OLED and plasma are more like each other than are either with LCD. The practical result is that most people could view either and not notice much of a difference beyond the price tag. Plasma screens have some slight advantages over OLEDs, particularly in terms of longevity. Their colors are less likely to fade over time. OLEDs display darker blacks and aren’t vulnerable to radio interference from other devices that are operating nearby. They’re also easier to find since most manufacturers have stopped producing plasma screens.

Screen Quality: OLED Just Edges Out Plasma

Both technologies better portray blacks than older tech, both are available in high resolution and large screen sizes, and both can be used for years without suffering color degradation or screen burns. The refresh rate on plasmas and OLEDs is also relatively high compared to older screen technologies, so screen flicker is usually not a problem with either. Where OLED uses organic material to light up the screen, plasma uses ionized gases. The color of an OLED screen fades over time, so it won’t last as long as a plasma screen. However, because plasma relies on gases inside the screen to light up the images, you can’t use a plasma screen at high altitudes or the pressure difference between the environment and the inside gases damages the set. Plasma TVs are more susceptible to interference, given the ionized gases. OLED doesn’t suffer from this problem, so you can listen to AM radio around an OLED TV without any radio-frequency interference. OLED technology turns off pixels representing black, so the blacks on an OLED screen are 100% black. Plasma screens don’t have that level of precision, so blacks aren’t as black on a plasma screen as they are on an OLED screen.

Durability: Choose an OLED for Strength

Plasma screens are heavier than OLEDs because they are covered in glass, which also makes them more susceptible to breaking. OLEDs use a thinner protection that makes them more flexible. If you have small kids or want a lighter set, and breakage is a concern, go with the OLED. At the very least, it will be easier to get into your house than a plasma screen with its thicker glass display.

Availability: Good Luck Finding a Plasma

Television manufacturers stopped making new plasma units years ago, so your best bet to find one is probably secondhand through services like eBay and Craigslist. OLED TVs, however, are available at major retailers from a variety of companies. If you have a favorite (or at least preferred) TV maker, you’ll have more options with OLEDs than plasmas because of the greater number available. With plasma screens, you have limits based on availability from local sellers.

Final Verdict

Plasma TVs have all but disappeared as OLED and other technologies such as Super-AMOLED have taken over the scene. In 2014, because of production costs and because the demand for other screen technologies grew, Panasonic, LG, and Samsung stopped producing plasma TVs. OLEDs have advantages over plasmas, however, including lighter weight, less fragile construction, and resistance to environmental interference. You’re better off going with OLEDs instead of the antiquated and somewhat temperamental plasma technology.