Loving pet owners are always concerned about the well-being of their furry friends, but once you’re out the door, there isn’t much you can do. For those who want to keep an eye on their pet even when they have to be away, the Petcube Bites 2 has a few new features to offer over the previous model. Newly Alexa-enabled with a wider field of view than before, this camera is working hard to keep its place as one of the best pet cameras. With a 1080p camera and cool treat flinging interactivity, I knew I would be getting some pretty cute pictures while I tested it.

Design: Small footprint for flexible placement

The Petcube Bites 2 has a sleek black-and-silver plastic body that’s about the size of a shoebox standing on one end. One drawback of this design is that once loaded with treats, it is fairly top-heavy with a small footprint. If it’s within the range of a dog’s tail, it will absolutely be knocked over, and that expensive pet cam hitting the floor is enough to give you a heart attack. I opted to sandwich it between some DVDs on my shelf, but there are wall mount points on the back for anyone who would prefer that solution.  The top lifts off easily from the recessed points, but still fits in snugly enough that neither of my animals were able to get the treats out when I left it on the floor to check for that. The design is compact and sturdy enough to fit into any living space, and the color scheme ensures that it’s not going to stand out too much from 

Setup Process: App prompts ensure foolproof setup

Setting up the Bites 2 only takes a few minutes. After setting up an account with the Petcube app and creating profiles for your pets including their names, pictures, type and breed, and birth dates, the app will have prompts to guide the connection process. The device will need to be paired, connected to Wi-Fi, and possibly updated, but all of this will be plainly communicated by the app. The treat hopper is fitted with a medium-sized insert to control how many treats are dispensed. Wellness Petite Treats are included and fit perfectly, but I suggest comparing the size of your preferred treats to the insert and changing the insert if necessary while everything is still clean. Anything up to one-inch diameter and similar in size should work with one of the included inserts, but treats that are very mismatched in size can fit together and jam the machine.

Video Quality: Clean picture quality day or night

While the video resolution on the Bites 2 hasn’t improved over the previous model, it’s still as good as any other pet cam on the market at 1080p. Other than occasional graininess, which is typical of most consumer security cams and the like, I had no complaints about the video quality. Whether it was used in a brightly lit room or a darker one, the picture was clear and detailed, which made for some pretty cute shots when my pets really began to investigate this new treat-dispensing friend. When it’s dark out, the Bites 2 will automatically begin using a night vision mode. The black-and-white night vision is clear and high quality. It’s a little grainy and the animals will have a creepy glow to their eyes, but that’s par for the course with night vision. Overall, I was surprised by how good the quality was, and I’d definitely put the pictures on my Instagram.

Performance: Reliable with very little latency

There are cheaper cameras if someone just wants to be able to look in on their pets, but none of those offer the cool pet-specific interactivity. With an 80-pound German Shepherd barking in the window, I’m sure most burglars would rather keep going to the next house. It’s my dog I’m worried about. Is he bored? Lonely? Or, if I forgot to lock the trashcan, has he already thrown garbage all around the living room? After setting up the Bites 2, I drove to the nearby Starbucks to get to work. After a few minutes of checking the app over and over, I finally caught my dog doing something interesting. Unfortunately, he wasn’t gazing out the window waiting for my return. He was putting his nose in the trash. Starbucks is only a mile away, so he didn’t wait long. Before he could get into the bin, I touched the button to start two-way audio and scolded him. To my surprise, he did stop, though probably just because the voice scared him.  My husband later described the audio quality as “a little tinny,” which is likely caused by slight latency. Music isn’t tinny at all, so the Bites 2 could easily be the primary Alexa device in your home, as it is now in mine. The Petcube-specific Alexa commands, such as “treat my pet,” are convenient as well. Rather than waiting for the video feet to load, I could give my pet a treat and then get back to work. Since my dog was such a good sport about staying out of the trash after I yelled at him, it was the perfect moment to test the treat dispenser. Touching the dog bone icon makes a little prompt appear to guide you how much to swipe to throw treats different distances. I did test the shorter distances but after that, I opted for the longest possible throw, which was the only way my dog was going to have any chance of getting a treat before the cat did.  It takes a couple of seconds for the treat to dispense, but they dispense reliably as long as you don’t jam the machine with odd-sized treats that fit together. Pets quickly learn that the chime means it’s time for a snack. After a few times, they’ll come running every time you look in.

App Support: Free users won’t feel cheated

Like practically every other app, the Petcube app has a great deal of free functionality and a few nice features for premium users. Every basic feature like recording clips manually, taking pictures, and dispensing treats is possible at no additional price. A subscription begins at $3.99/month and has perks like receiving a notification when the camera detects a person or your pet, which is good for looking in on pet sitters or dog walkers in case they have questions.  With a subscription, the Bites 2 will automatically start recording when it detects one of your pets, and you can save a lot more clips. It’s a nice option for those who want it, and the free features are numerous and helpful enough that I wouldn’t feel like I wasted my money on the Bites 2 if I didn’t spring for a subscription as well.

Price: Splurge on a treat for you both

There is no getting around the $250 price tag. I really love the Bites 2, but it is a luxury. Then again, all pet cams are a luxury. You can buy a Wi-Fi-connected home security camera if you just want to be able to look in on your pets, but the Bites 2 is a lot of fun if you do feel like spending a bit more on a gift for you and your pet.

Petcube Bites 2 vs. PetChatz HD

The camera costs around $350 unless you’re lucky enough to find a sale, and treats other than the PetChatz brand will void your warranty, so you’ll spend a bit more if you want to make sure the device is operating at its best. If a treat subscription is no problem and you want the best possible features money can buy, you and your pet couldn’t be better cared-for than with PetChatz. If the idea of letting your dog video call you on-demand is a bit much, the Petcube Bites 2 prioritizes more important functions at an affordable price. The Petcube Bites 2 is a pricey pet cam, but it delivers on quality with every feature. The treat dispenser is reliable and works with a variety of pet treats so you can keep using your favorites. Alexa compatibility makes the device a little more useful to have around the house, and the excellent recording quality will make sure every clip of your pet is worth sharing.