Fortunately, improvements to this version of Windows, like Windows 8.1, made turning it off easier by adding some additional methods of doing so. Having almost a dozen ways to shut down your computer isn’t all bad, mind you. You’ll be happy to have these options if you need to turn your computer off during certain kinds of problems.

Shut Down Windows 8 From the Power Button on the Start Screen

The easiest method, assuming your computer is working properly, is to use the virtual power button available on the Start Screen: Don’t See the Power Button Icon? Either your computer is configured as a tablet device, which hides this button to prevent your finger from accidentally tapping it, or you’ve not yet installed Windows 8.1 Update.

Shut Down Windows 8 From the Settings Charms

This shutdown method is easier to pull off if you’re using a touch interface, but your keyboard and mouse will do the trick, too: This is the “original” Windows 8 shutdown method. It should come as no surprise why people asked for a way to shut down using fewer steps.

Shut Down Windows 8 From the Win+X Menu

The Power User Menu, sometimes called the WIN+X Menu, is one of our favorite secrets about Windows 8. Among many other things, it lets you shut things down with just a few clicks: Don’t See a Start Button? It’s true that you can still open the Power User Menu without a Start Button, but it just so happens that the Start Button and the option to shut down Windows 8 from the Power User Menu, appeared at the same time—with Windows 8.1. Using the WIN+X keyboard combination works, too.

Shut Down Windows 8 From the Sign-In Screen

While this might seem a little strange, the first opportunity you’re given to shut down Windows 8 is right after the OS is done starting:

Shut Down Windows 8 From the Windows Security Screen

One of the quickest ways to shut down Windows 8 is from a place that you may have seen before but weren’t quite sure what to call:

Don’t Use a Keyboard?

You can try using Ctrl+Alt+Del with the on-screen keyboard, but we’ve had mixed results with that. If you’re using a tablet, try holding down the physical Windows button (if it has one) and then press the tablet’s power button. This combination mimics Ctrl+Alt+Del on some computers.

Shut Down Windows 8 With Alt+F4

The Alt+F4 shutdown method has worked since the early days of Windows and still works equally well to shut down Windows 8:

Shut Down Windows 8 With the Shutdown Command

The Command Prompt is full of useful tools, one of which is the shutdown command which, as you’d guess, shuts down Windows when used the right way:

Shut Down Windows 8 With the SlideToShutDown Tool

Frankly, we can only think of a few strange-but-serious problems with your computer that might force you to resort to this Windows 8 shutdown method, but we have to mention it to be thorough:

Shut Down Windows 8 by Holding Down the Power Button

Some ultra-mobile computers are configured in a way that allows a proper shutdown after holding down the power button:

Windows 8 Shutdown Tips & More Information

Here are a few things that are important to know about shutting down your Windows 8 computer.

Will Windows 8 Shut Down If I Close My Laptop Lid, Press the Power Button, or Leave It Alone Long Enough?

No, closing the lid to your computer, pressing the power button once, or leaving the computer alone will not shut down Windows 8. Not usually, anyway. In most cases, any one of those three scenarios will just put Windows to sleep, a low-power mode that’s very different from shutting down. Sometimes, a computer will be configured to hibernate in one of those cases, or sometimes after a certain period of sleep. Hibernating is a no-power mode but is still different than truly shutting down your Windows 8 computer.

Why Does My Computer Say ‘Update and Shut Down’ Instead?

Windows automatically downloads and installs patches to Windows. Some of those updates require that you restart your computer or shut down and turn it back on again before they’re completely installed. When Shut down changes to Update and shut down, it just means you may have to wait a few extra minutes for the Windows 8 shutdown process to complete.