WebRTC may expose a device’s local and public internet addresses, even if you obscure your device’s location with a virtual private network (VPN). This is referred to as a WebRTC leak since it leaks private information. Once an advertiser or website host knows the public internet address of a device, they can identify the region, city, and internet service provider linked to that address. If you don’t need WebRTC, disable or restrict it in your browser. You can prevent a WebRTC leak in many, but not all, modern browsers.

Check Your Browser for a WebRTC Leak

Open the browser you use and go to https://browserleaks.com/webrtc. This page tests the browser for WebRTC leaks and displays three categories of information.

If the site displays True next to RTCPeerConnection and RTC DataChannel, the browser supports WebRTC.If the system displays any numbers next to the Public IP Address or IPv6 address, those numbers are the device’s internet addresses.The WebRTC Media Devices section may display information about the device’s microphone and camera.

After you make any of the settings changes listed below, return to the https://browserleaks.com/webrtc page to verify the impact of the change.

How to Disable WebRTC in Firefox

Of all modern browsers, Firefox is the only one that allows you to disable WebRTC entirely.

How to Block WebRTC in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera

You may block WebRTC with a browser extension, WebRTC Control. The extension is available to install in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.

How to Block WebRTC in the New Version of Microsoft Edge

Newer versions of Edge include a privacy feature that blocks your local IP address over WebRTC. It’s simple to enable and protects against most leaks without the need for an extension.

Block WebRTC on Edge With an Extension

The new version of Microsoft Edge also supports Chrome extensions. Much like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera, the new version of Microsoft Edge relies on the open-source Chromium core code, which is why the extension works with all these browsers. 

Prevent WebRTC Leaks in Any Browser With a VPN

Some browsers don’t offer any way to disable WebRTC. For example, as of June 2019, there’s no built-in way to disable WebRTC in current versions of Safari on laptops or desktops. You also can’t disable WebRTC on mobile devices in either Safari on iOS or in Chrome on Android. Microsoft doesn’t let you disable ORTC, their alternative to WebRTC in versions of Microsoft Edge (those not based on Chromium). You might consider a virtual private network (VPN) to protect against WebRTC leaks. A VPN won’t disable WebRTC, but it can hide your location. For example, you might be in Chicago and choose to enable a VPN connection routed through Los Angeles. The IP address reported in WebRTC would appear as an address in Los Angeles, not Chicago. Most, but not all, VPN services safeguard your location when using WebRTC this way when enabled. Check with your VPN provider. If you don’t have a VPN, check out the best VPN service providers to find a service that works for you. Additionally, the WebRTC Network Limiter Chrome extension can work in conjunction with a VPN to protect your internet address privacy.