How to Create a Professional Facebook Page

Facebook is well known for helping users find old friends, play games, and connect with people. Facebook Pages offer ways to leverage the site’s networking potential. To create a business page, you must have a personal Facebook profile. Still, your Facebook Page will be distinct from your personal page and can be managed independently. Here’s how it works:

Add a Profile Picture

One of the first things you’ll want to do after creating your page is to add a profile and cover photo. If you’re not sure what to use as a profile picture, skip this step. You can always add or change your profile picture later. Your page’s profile image appears in the upper-left corner of your new page next to your business name. This image could be a logo if you have one, or a picture of a product you sell. You can add a photo after creating your page under the Set Up Your Page dialog. Or, can navigate to the page and select the Camera icon next to your Page profile and select Edit Profile Photo > Upload Photo.

Upload a Cover Photo

You can also upload a cover photo under the Set Up Your Page dialog. Your page’s cover photo is the big splash image that appears at the top of your page. This image is one of the first things a visitor sees when they visit your page. Choose an image that conveys what your business, cause, or organization is all about. Think branding. As with the profile picture, if you don’t have a cover photo you want to use yet, skip this step and add one later. The photo should have a minimum width of 400 pixels and a minimum height of 150 pixels—bigger is good, but avoid enormous image uploads. Facebook scales the image to fit the screen when displayed. In a web browser on a desktop or laptop, the image displays as large as 820 x 312 pixels, while on a mobile device like a smartphone, the size is 640 x 360 pixels.

Add Content to Your Facebook Business Page

After your initial setup, you can administer your Facebook Page by adding new content, moderating conversations on it, promoting it, and more. You’ll want to add additional content to flesh out your page. The secret to having a successful professional page is to post information that interests readers, followers, and customers. Good advice is to keep posts on a topic relatively brief and friendly.

Promote Your Professional Page

After your professional page is up and ready for visitors, send the link to your friends, family members, and clients, encouraging them to visit and, hopefully, Like it. Facebook encourages you to announce your page to your friends. It provides several methods to do so. Making an announcement is optional, but it is the first step in launching your page to promote your new social media presence as well as your business, organization, or cause. When you post a message, announcement, or photo to your page, users see your new content in their Facebook News Feed. Additional ways to promote your page include:

Add your Facebook business page URL to your email signature to reach out to other individuals who may not frequent Facebook often.Promote your page on your business website.Add the page URL to your business cards and letterheads.Use Facebook paid advertising to place ads on Facebook to draw attention to your page or promote an announcement or post on your page.Post high-quality content. When someone shares your content, the link goes to many people, and you want them to feel like their click was worthwhile.